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Posted By Topic: AsianBookie Chatroom Rules & Regulations.       - Views: 18098
29-Aug 2006 Tuesday 8:51 PM (6672 days ago)               #1
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1. No FAKING scores (Direct ban or Perm ban)

  • Faking scores will be banned 

  • Websites error of scores that users post will be kicked too for posting wrong scores

  • Pls make sure all the scores that users post in asianbookie chatroom is accurate before posting it

2. No INVITING of users to other links of soccer (Direct ban or Perm ban)

3. No asking and Offering of betting sites (Kick or Ban)

  • Offering betting sites will be banned directly

  • Asking for betting sites will be kicked for warning and repeating it will be banned

4. No websites (WWW.) should be post in asianbookie chatroom

  • Will be banned

5. No scolding towards admins (Direct ban or Perm ban)

  • Always follow asianbookie chatroom rules and asianbookie admins rules

6. No team name (Kick)

  • Whenever there are scores of games...Pls do include team name in posting score

  • Not only posting of scores but also Red cards, Yellow cards, and also Penaltys

  • Kicking for the first time for not posting scores with team name and repeating it from the same user will be banned

  • Asking scores from other users and not including in team name from the particular person who answers it will also be kicked

7. No floodings (Ban or Kick)

  • Users that floods asianbookie chatroom will be kicked or ban

  • 3 lines of same sentence or input (Flood)

  • Users will be kicked for warnings and repeating it from the same user will be banned

8. No Quarrels between users in chatroom (Kick or Ban)

  • Will be kicked for getting warning

  • Repeating it will be banned

  • Pls do bring all the quarrelings between users into private messages and not in asianbookie chatroom

9. No begging for socres in asianbookie chatroom

  • Example (MU 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 pls)

  • Will be kicked directly for warning

  • Repeating it will be banned

10. Informations to all users in asianbookie chatroom

  • Pls do not entertain or answer any user who offers betting sites or deposit of money for sites. Any users who wish to do so and has encounter problems towards it, asianbookie will not answer to it.

  • All users pls do follow asianbookie chatrooms rules for not getting kicked and banned. Any kicked or banned received by users is because of not following rules of asianbookie chatrooms and chatrooms admins will take actions towards it. Important is if users wish to explain unbanning or leniency towards admins, pls do it politely and not by quarreling with chatroom admins.

  • Users do pls take note of this. This is important to users to know. Posting of certain sign by users or words on conversation between users will be banned. Here are the examples : # , PM me , Msg me , (www.) , IP's , and flooding the channel by more than 3 lines. This will be banned automatically by asianbookie chatroom.

  • Users also do pls do take note that all decisions made for kicking and banning towards users will be made by chatrooms admins. Last decision still goes to chatroom admins towards users.

All users pls do follow the Rules and Regulation of Asianbookie Chatroom

 Welcome to Livechat. Channel Rules- No Vulgarities, No Begging of scores, No Flooding, No Websites, No Multiple Repeative Texts. No other languages except English. If you are typing any scores/Red card/Pk/Goal/Updating, remember to input Team Name. Violating any rules would be kicked and banned!

Have an enjoyable LiveChat!


This message was edited by ALI-BABA on 05-May-2008 @ 11:54 PM


30-Oct 2006 Monday 9:52 PM (6610 days ago)            #2

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1。 不可仿造假进球比分 (冒犯者会被直接的被踢出聊天室或禁止进聊天室)

  • 仿造假进球比分会被直接的被踢出或禁止进聊天室。
  • 如你显示的进球比分是由网页的错误所引起同样的会被直接的被踢出聊天室。
  • 请肯定了你的进球比分后才显示在亚洲庄家聊天室。

2。 不可邀请亚洲庄家聊天室的会员去别的足球网站 (冒犯者会被直接的被踢出聊天室或禁止进聊天室)

3。 不可问起有关于赌博网站 (冒犯者会被踢出聊天室或禁止进聊天室)

  • 提起有关于赌博网站 (冒犯者会被直接的被踢出聊天室或禁止进聊天室)
  • 问起有关于赌博网站的会员会被直接的被踢出聊天室和警告,重复的会员会被直接的被踢出聊天室和禁止进聊天室。 

4。 不可提起有关于赌博网站在亚洲庄家聊天室 (WWW.) 和 (http://) 冒犯者会被自动的被踢出或禁止进聊天室。
5。 不可责骂行政官 (冒犯者会被直接的被踢出聊天室或禁止进聊天室)

6。 没放队名 (冒犯者会被直接的被踢出聊天室)

  • 当所有的球赛开始的时候如果你想显示你的进球比分在亚洲庄家聊天室也请把队名放上。
  • 不单止是提到你的进球比分也请把红卡黄卡罚球放上队名。
  • 如没放队名第一次踢你出聊天室和警告,重复者会被直接踢出聊天室和禁止进聊天室。
  • 如有其他会员问起你有关进球比分也请把队名放上,不然你也会被直接的被踢出聊天室。

7。 不可大量重复你的句子 (冒犯者会被踢出聊天室或禁止进聊天室)

  • 会员不可大量重复你的句子,冒犯者会被踢出聊天室或禁止进聊天室。
  • 同一时间重复三行同样句子或大量重复你的句子会员会被踢出聊天室和警告,重复者会被踢出聊天室或禁止进聊天室。

8。 不可在亚洲庄家聊天室与其他会员争吵 (冒犯者会被踢出聊天室或禁止进聊天室)

  • 会员会被踢出聊天室和警告。
  • 重复者会被直接踢出聊天室和禁止进聊天室。
  • 请别把你们的问题和争吵带进聊天室里,也请你们解决在私人信息网。

9。 不可请求任何进球在进聊天室

  • 例子 : (MU 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 pls)
  • 冒犯者会被直接的被踢出聊天室和警告。
  • 重复者会被直接的被踢出聊天室和禁止进聊天室。

10。 给亚洲庄家聊天室会员的信息.

  • 请别回答其他会员谁提供给你的赌博网关于保证金
  • 所有的会员也请跟随亚洲庄家聊天室的规则与条例预防你会被踢出聊天室和禁止进聊天室,所有被踢的会员就是因为不跟随亚洲庄家聊天室的规则与条例,和亚洲庄家聊天室行政官会作出最后行动,更重要的是会员请求行政官给于宽容时也请礼貌地和不作出争吵与亚洲庄家聊天室的行政官。
  • 所有会员也请注意,这是更重的信息给会员,会员在聊天的时后请别把这种符号 : # , PM me , Msg me, (www.) , IP's , 和同一时间重复三行同样句子在聊天室,这样你是会被自动的被踢出聊天室和禁止进聊天室。
  • 所有会员也请注意,你被踢出聊天室和禁止进聊天室时,所有的判断是由行政官作出最后决定。




14-Jun 2007 Thursday 10:26 PM (6383 days ago)            #3

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Welcome to LIVE CHAT

A New Function Has Launched :

We the AsianBookie ChatAdmins had already implemented with rooms for improvement on +V (voice) for certain appointed privilege chatters/users for posting fast accurate live commentaries & livescores.

06-Jul 2012 Friday 2:39 PM (4534 days ago)            #4
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Step 1 : On your top left hand corner of limechat...Edit--->Connection

Step 2 : Description -
Server -
Nickname - (As you wish)
Encoding - leave it
Connect on launch - (As you wish)

Join Channel - (As you wish)

Step 3 : Go back to the original page,you will manage to see a ---> ON...

Step 4 : /j #asianbookie

This message was edited by BOOZ on 06-Jul-2012 @ 2:39 PM

28-Sep 2012 Friday 12:57 PM (4450 days ago)            #5

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Using mIRC

1) Download the client:

The version I personally use is 6.21, which you can get here:
These instructions are for 6.21, but should be comparable to those for the latest version.

2) Install it by running the .exe file you just downloaded.

3) Start the program.

The following popup should appear in the program:

If it doesn't click here:

Or click Tools -> Options

4) Fill out "personal" information.

Before you click on Connect to Server, you need to enter in your Full Name, E-mail, Nickname and Alternative.

Your full name and email don’t have to be real, you can make whatever you like up.

Your nickname is what is displayed to others when you're connected to the server, an alternative is just in case that nickname has already been taken.

Note: IRC nicknames must be unique and are non-case sensitive, i.e. Bruce and bruce are the same name. No two people can have exactly the same nickname. If you use a common name like Neo or Maverick, be prepared to use an alternative spelling or have special characters at the end e.g. Neo^ or |Maverick|. It's probobly a good idea to use your forum nickname.

5) Add a server.

If you don't want to add the server you can just type in:


Click here for a Screen shot- use not

Then press enter, it will do a bunch off stuff as you connect (Something like this)

Otherwise you will need to go here to add a server:

Rizon should be on the server list by defult.

If it isn't for whatever reason click "add" to add a new server.

Description: [Whatever you like]
IRC Server:

Ports: 6667
Group: Rizon
Password: [Leave Blank]

5) Connect to the server

Make sure the rizon server is selected and go back up to where you put originally put in your email name and nick.

You can now click the "connect to server" button.

A new window will appear called Status. This is where server messages are displayed. You cannot close this window, or you will disconnect from the server, but you can minimize or hide it if you want.

Wait until you see the server welcome message. It'll be a bunch of text something like this

6) Join the Channel

To join the #asianbookie channel simply type in:

/j asianbookie

And press enter.

You should see something like this.

You're in! ^_^ So start chatting.

28-Sep 2012 Friday 1:08 PM (4450 days ago)            #6

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You should always try connecting via before attempting to connect to any of the following servers. If the domain of the server listed cannot be resolved, don't ask for the IP, as we don't give out the IP for any of the servers.


Use 6660-6670 and 7000 for standard connections & 6697/9999 for secure (SSL) connections. Other ports may be available upon request.


The IPv6 connection address is Again, always attempt to use this address before connecting to individual IPv6 servers.



North America


Address Location IPv6 Toronto, ON, Canada No Montreal, QC, Canada No Philadelphia, PA, United States No Denver, CO, United States Yes* - Phoenix, AZ, United States No^ Chicago, IL, United States No Los Angeles, CA, United States No Dallas, TX, United States No^ San Jose, CA, United States No Chicago, IL, United States No Phoenix, AZ, United States No



Address Location IPv6 Dublin, Ireland No London, United Kingdom Yes* - Paris, France Yes - Amsterdam, The Netherlands No Rotterdam, The Netherlands No Frankfurt, Germany Yes* - Oslo, Norway No Stockholm, Sweden Yes* -



Address Location IPv6 Singapore No Tokyo, Japan No


28-Sep 2012 Friday 1:48 PM (4450 days ago)            #7

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NickServ Commands

Register your nickname

This command registers your nickname into the Rizon database and makes sure no other user is able to use this nickname. However, Please be aware that nicks expire after 90 days of non-usage.

  • Usage: /msg NickServ REGISTER password [email]
    • Example: /msg NickServ REGISTER mypasswordatrizon [email protected]
      • Please be aware that the email must be valid as confirmation number sent to this email must be verified in order for the registration process to complete.
  • Usage: /msg NickServ CONFIRM [confirmation code]
    • Example: /msg NickServ CONFIRM 20sik25t2

Resend confirmation code

This command resends the confirmation code to your registered email. If you entered invalid email address, you can use Cancel and re-register with your valid id.

  • Usage: /msg NickServ RESEND

Identify your nickname

Now that you have [registered] your [nickname], it is very important to remember to identify EVERYTIME you access Rizon. The password in this case is the password you supplied during nick registration.

  • Usage: /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password
    • Example: /msg NickServ IDENTIFY mypasswordatrizon

Group nickname

This command groups your CURRENT nickname with your TARGET nickname.

  • Usage: /msg NickServ GROUP TARGET password
    • Please be aware that grouping your existing nick to a newnick will make your old nick and new nick loose all held privelleges in all channels.
      • Example: Your main nickname is OldNick which holds access to all your channels (op in some channel, voice in another etc) and you logonto rizon with NewNick, you would now like to have same permissions as your oldnick, you would have to do /msg NickServ group OldNick oldnickspassword.

Recover nickname

If you logon to [Rizon] and notice your [Registered] [nickname] is being used by another user. You can have services retreive this nickname for you through recover. Alteratively, you could use [ghost] in order to recover your nickname.

  • Usage: /msg NickServ RECOVER [nickname] password
    • Example: /msg NickServ RECOVER OldNick mypasswordatrizon

Following recover, services holds your nickname for one minute. In order to release your nickname sooner:

  • Usage: /msg NickServ RELEASE [nickname] password
    • Example: /msg NickServ RELEASE OldNick mypasswordatrizon


Ghost command is useful when a "ghost" of your nick is present on IRC. The ghost is not really connected but IRC assumes it to be. This could be due to various different reasons such as internet issue, abrupt shutdown, or another user using your nick. Unlike recover, ghost allows you to reclaim your nick right away.

  • Usage: /msg NickServ GHOST nickname password
    • Example: /msg NickServ GHOST OldNick mypasswordatrizon

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